Guess where the Muffin Man lives. Dairy La_e ( hint: N)
i am a dork, and i consider eating and fucking with people a hobby. so i guess that's why i have friends
Age 31, Male
slouching, pouting
Joined on 5/4/08
Guess where the Muffin Man lives. Dairy La_e ( hint: N)
i got
i don't know
it's sooooooooooo hard
are you online?
Do not take chemistry in college. IT'S HELL!
i'm taking advertising
good luck
gee thanks man
My ever handsome Bestfriend (LOL.)
How did you get those medals?
I know you're online. :P
well that's a new one
just keep trying
it helps to be stubborn
Yeah I'm online. I'm bored as hell home, bef. Thanks for recruiting me here. Lol.
no prob bef
Congrats on graduating and nice pic.. I Like Your Deathlist
oh thanks man
i like yours too
muffins fucking win
indeed my friend
how do u have so many comments? LOL MUFFINS
don't ask me
i'm surprised too
never click this link ----> <a href=""></a>
no clicky
The Muffin Song
Is on Youtube try it!
even dandier
are there any peanut songs?
When do U eat muffins? What is your favorite type of muffins?
i'll get back to you on that one
You got a lot of comments talaga. Hahaha! :D
oo nga bef
i'm popular
you have a real lot of comments already why not make a new post
i am planning to do just that
any suggestions on what to post?
Your next post should be about scary disturbing stuff or whatever you like just make a new one
good idea
of course its a good idea because its mine XD JK just do whatever you like for your new post because its not mine >:( now make one!!!! :D
[gives tormented look]
i will
i will
where is your fuckin nEW post MAKE ONE ALREADY DAMNIT RAAAWWRRR !!!111
(smashes keyboard until it breaks and runs away screaming)
[looks out from under the table]
is he gone?
WTF he has a fuckin clone fuckin shit NOW therES ! MOAR PERSON TO YELL A T WAT TEH FUCKIN SHIT
run lil clone buddy
run like the wind
and go get me a muffin while you're at it
Any time richard91b leaves a comment that is link never click it, NEVER!!!!!
yea i know